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22nd February - 8th March

  • Instagram

Take a moment and imagine you weren't you. What do you, as someone else, see your actual self as? What about everyone else? Who is this character you have created? 

I have found myself creating characters and stories in my work and I enjoy placing you, the viewer, in the shoes of these characters. The communication of emotion and storytelling through these art works is what I strive to achieve. Suddenly, you're empathising with someone that doesn't exist, but who you can tell is suffering. Someone who is depressed, inspired or being used as a means to an end. 

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Value (2019)

Lino print

84 x 119cm 

How much does love mean to you?

The Snowball Effect 1.jpg

The Snowball Effect (2020)

Acrylic on board

Dimensions vary 

The rise and fall of what could have been.

The Snowball Effect 2.jpg
The Snowball Effect 3.jpg
The Snowball Effect 4.jpg

What do you feel when you see these characters' lives on display? Perhaps you want to get to know them, to help them. Or maybe you aren't convinced. Remember, you're not always looking at the character - sometimes you are the character. You're the one who is shutting someone out or observing people in love. That might ring a bell. As you look deeper and imagine these characters as living people, you may be reminded of someone you know, or maybe even yourself. Try looking for your reflection on your screen.

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Melancholy (2018)


1500 x 2350px 

Here we are, yet again.

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Perspective (2019)

Mixed media

130 x 130cm 

Experience is what makes a person themself.

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Strangers (2020)


4k/3840 x 2160px 

What’s going to happen?

I use a range of methods and materials in my work, including painting, collage, digital, as well as combinations of them. Laser cutters are often an important tool in my work due to their precision and neatness, something I could never achieve. I love technology and it only makes sense to me to use it in my practice if it's useful. More recently, I have started using film as a medium, which is probably a smart thing to do seen as though I aspire to work in the film industry as a cinematographer. My interest in creating these characters and scenarios is (most likely) derived from my love for film. There's nothing I enjoy more than watching a movie I adore or discovering a new favourite. From the dynamic visual storytelling of Edgar Wright to the other-worldliness of Makoto Shinkai, film has my heart. 

But hey, that's just me.

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vacancy 2.jpg

Vacancy (2020)

Acrylic on board

40 x 60cm 

Something’s missing.

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' 1.jpg

' (2020)

Acrylic on board

31 x 37cm 

You used me. 

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